Trait Swapping

Don't want it? Swap it.

Fully-on-chain, affordable and scalable trait swapping provides a level of customisation previously unavailable in the world of NFTs. Instead of being limited to the traits you minted, you can dynamically add, remove, swap, and trade each individual trait of your Vortex Avatar.

What does this mean in practice?

You can customise your Vortex Avatar on the fly by mixing and matching traits you own.

Don't want to wear a hat? Take it off. Don't like your shirt? Change it. Want a festive background? Put one on!

How is a trait represented?

Each unequipped trait is an NFT, following the ERC-1155 standard. This allows them to be transferred, traded, and used in any dApp that supports the ERC-1155 standard.

How is my trait applied or removed?

As you add a trait to your Vortex Avatar, their on-chain representation is burnt and becomes part of the base NFT. When the avatar is transferred or sold, the trait remains part of the avatar.

When you remove a trait from your avatar, the trait is minted into your wallet as a separate trait NFT.

Sounds expensive; how much does this all cost in gas?

Due to our incredibly optimised smart contract, adding or removing a trait is ~$2, and swapping is ~$3, close to the costs of a typical transfer.

Last updated