Future Development

The indie game incubator


Following the full release of Vortex Client, we'll focus on enhancing the platform's capabilities for developers. To achieve this, we will focus on developing SDKs that simplify the integration of blockchain games into the Vortex ecosystem.

Alongside this, we will be working on building developer tools that traditional game developers can use to streamline the development of blockchain-based games.

Onboarding Web2 gamers

Alongside continuously improving the user experience for our Web3-based users, we will start integrating seamless onboarding processes for Web2 gamers, easing the adoption of blockchain technology.

We will provide further information after the full release of the Vortex Client.

Indie Game Incubator

As a core component of our long-term vision for the Vortex Client, we aim to empower indie game development by building a comprehensive, end-to-end indie game incubator. This platform will be purpose-built for community-driven game development, offering a range of tools to help small teams and solo game developers.

Developers will be able to test their game ideas, market their development plans, find and form a community, safely crowdfund, and release their games, all in one platform.

The Vortex Client will introduce trust and safety to crowdfunding by providing audited smart contracts, allowing game developers to fundraise on-chain. These contracts will work as escrow accounts with pre-determined vesting schedules, ensuring funds are used as intended.

Last updated