UI Demo Tests & Initial Launch

Building together

UI Demo Tests

To promote community involvement and gather feedback prior to the full release of the Vortex Client, we organised two public demos.

The first demo took place on January 11th, when over 100 participants had the opportunity to evaluate the user interface and familiarise themselves with the launcher app. Alongside the launcher, the demo also featured a feedback board where participants could publicly share their thoughts and suggestions. The demo simulated the Vortex Client in a browser environment, allowing users to easily access the demo without needing any downloads.

The second public demo will be held on January 25th, highlighting the improvements made based on the feedback received from the first demo. Further announcements regarding details of the event will be released on our Twitter.

Initial Launch

The Vortex Client will be available for download on Windows and Mac in Q1 of 2023.

On the initial launch, a few free-to-play games will be available for download, with a fully integrated friends and social section and a beta release of the community section.

Last updated